Seppan Kizhangu Fry:

1) Seppan kizhangu (Cola cassia) - 1/2 kg
2) Chilli powder-3 tsp
3) Turmerice powder - 1/4 tsp
4) Corn flour powder - 5 tsp
5) Maida -1 tsp
6) Rice flour -1 tsp
7) Vinegar/lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
Preparation method:
1) Clean the Seppan kizhangu(Colacassia) and half-boil it
2) Cut it staright as like finger shape
3) In a bowl mix corn flour, rice flour, maida, salt, chilli powder, turmeric powder and marinate the seppan kizhangu
4) Sprinkle few drops of water in the mixture
5) Heat oil in a pan; fry the marinated seppan kizhangu
6) Serve the dish with ketch-up



Welcome to my first post.In this post we are going to see the preparation of "vegetable spring roll"....
For Stuffing:
Cabbage-1 cup
Soya sauce-1 tbs
Aganamoto-1/2 tbs
Chili sauce-1 tbs
Coriander leaves(Kotthamalli ilai)

Other ingridents:
Maida-1 cup
Oil-2 spoons
Baking powder-1/4 spoon

Preparation method:
1.Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan then add the onion,garlic and fry it .
2.Once the onions becomes brown in color add the
vegetables(carrot,beans,cabbage,capsicum) and cook it for 2 mins.
3.After the vegetables are cooked, add salt,chilli powder,soya sauce,aganamoto,tomato sauce.let it boil.
See that the vegetables remains crunchy and not over cooked.then switch off the stove
4.a)mix mayida,baking powder,salt and water.leave it for 15 mins.
b)mix 2 spoon of mayida ,2 spoon of oil and form a paste.
c)mix 2 spoon of mayida and water and form another paste.
5.form two pooris,on the first poori apply the paste made in step b)
and place another poori on the first poori and merge it in a oval shape..thin... the cooked vegetables and using the paste created in step b) and roll it..
now boil the made stuff for 10 mins.after that leave it...let it cool...
finally,Place a pan and fill it with oil for deep frying the rolls and fry them till they are golden brown in color.

Drain the excess oil on a paper towel and serve hot with tomato sauce or ketchup.


Welcome to my blog. With over 23 years of experience in cooking and a great passion for it, I decided to start a recipe resource online and share my recipes with you.
i mainly focus on recipes of traditional and authentic tamil nadu dishes as well as some South Indian dishes.i update the blog daily with new recepies, with complete details.
you can try the recepies and share your experience to me and feel free to post any query.
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